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Forget his name
Forget his walk
Forget the way he used to talk
Forget the love that you once knew
Remember now theres someone new

Forget the fun that you once shared
Forget the fact that you once cared
Forget the times you spend together
Remember now he's gone forever

Forget the times they played your song
Forget you cryed the whole night long
Forget how close you once were
Remember how now he belongs to her

Forget you remembered his every part
Forget he once owned your heart
Forget the things he used to say
Remember now he's gone away

Forget the times he used to phone
Forget the nights you were all alone
Forget the times you wore his ring
Remember how now she's everything

Forget the thrill when he walked by
Forget the times he made you cry
Forget the way he said your name
Remember now things aren't the same

Forget the times he looked into your eyes
Forget you died when he said good-bye
Forget he's the only one you love
Remember it's not you the one he's thinking of

Forget the places you used to go
Forget that you loved him so
Forget the times his lips met yours
Remember now he doesn't love you anymore

Maybe it's meant to be this way...

You're acting like I have a choice
I can hear it, in your voice
I held on for as long as I could
If I could change it, then I would

I can stop the tears, but from the pain I can't hide
God know's I have really tried
I thought I could get better, I even had hope
Now I find I can no longer cope

I always felt different, just not the same
Maybe I was destined to be in pain
It hurts that it seems to have to be this way
Last year I thought it would go away

I never chose to be this way despite what you think
Over time my heart gave in, I began to sink
I would have given anything just to be well
My hope kept me alive, even though I fell

I once had so many dreams of what to do
Now I guess they'll never come true
This depression is just determined to stay
Maybe it's meant to be this way

The best thing I can do is to leave you behind
After all this time, I've made up my mind
I know this isn't the right place to stay
Please, my wings, fly me away...

...Maybe it's meant to be this way


No Name

I have seen darker days...
Been gloomier before...
But eternal sadness strikes me...
Even through my sealed-up door...

I have seen my blood run...
Have had the tears fall endlessly...
But no matter how much I did...
I was never quite set free...

I have had things go wrong...
Been stranded in my mind...
But never managed to escape...
The exit too hard to find...

I have fought to survive...
To live through all the pain...
But each day it built on me...
And I would just fall again...

I have lied about it...
Smiled and said I'm okay...
But the truth is the opposite...
As I stand crying today...

I have prayed for death...
For my time to forever end...
But God has not answered me...
So knife is still my friend...

I have tried so hard to cope...
With the pain I keep inside...
But each night I break to tears...
And try to find my suicide...

I'm Perfectly Fine...

I'm Perfectly Fine
Don't Worry About Me
These Scars Are Covered
So No One Can See.

I'm Perfectly Fine
This Pain Will Disappear
It Might Take Forever
Or It Could Take A Year.

I'm Perfectly Fine
Nothing Is Wrong
I've Been Perfectly Happy
All The Way Along.

I'm Perfectly Fine
Don't Worry About These Tears
There Just Here To Hide
All Of My Inner Fears.

I'm Perfectly Fine
I'm Perfectly OK
Don't Worry About My Pain
It'll Eventually Go Away.

I'm Perfectly Fine
I'll Someday Throw Away This Mask
That I've Painted For So Long
So Please Don't Worry Or Ask.

I'm Perfectly Fine
I Have Almost Everything
Maybe Someday I'll Be Lucky
And It'll All Mean Something.

I'm Perfectly Fine
I'm Living My Life
I'm Desperately Searching
For Something Other Than My Knife.

I'm Perfectly Living
With My Life's Scarred Line
But Something You All Need To Know
I'm Not Perfectly Fine.

Suicidal Lover

As the mirror shattered on the floor
she picked up a big piece; held it tightly in her hand
she turned around quickly, then closed and locked the door
No more would she have to suffer
no longer would feel the hurt
she'd take her own life and health
praying that no one would save her from herself
A tortured teenage soul
that's amended all too fast
by a piece of jagged, broken glass
these thoughts would be her last
The kids at school knew her secret
and laughed at her every day
No one believed, no one knew
that she would die today
Her boyfriend said that it wouldn't work out
then he kised another girl
that was the point, there was no doubt
that sent her over the edge
She waved goodbye to her reflection
pointing the glass in her wrists direction
hoping that she would hit a vein
and would never be hurt again
She heard her mother rattle the knob a
nd pound her fists on the door
The girl just laughed and then she cried
watching her   hit the floor
Her muffled sobs soon stopped as her world began to fade
She dropped the glass and hit the floor as the room violently swayed
Her mother would be happy to know that it didn't hurt one bit
She done it times before but never with intentions like this
All the worries floated away
and the sirens slowly drowned out
She knew she loved her mother
but it was all really too much
she couldn't take the pain much longer