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Cute Poems


If I could catch a rainbow
I would do it just for you.
And share with you it's beauty
On the days you're feeling blue.
If I could build a mountain
You could call your very own.
A place to find serenity
A place to be alone.
If I could take your troubles
I would toss them in the sea.
But all these things I'm finding
are impossible for me,
I cannot build a mountain
Or catch a rainbow fair
But let me be...what I know best,
a friend that's always there.

You Told Me You Loved Me

You told me you loved me
but you still made me cry
and thing your doing to me today
makes me want to die

You told me you loved me
but we still broke up later
and now your one of my
ex-boyfriend haters

You told me you loved me
and I told you I loved you back
and for all you know that was a side track

You told me you loved me
but I have officially moved on
now I wonder
how much of your stupid stuff I can Pawn!



Lost in dark depression,
Not knowing where to turn,
I opened the windows to my soul
To see what Icould learn.
I found stashed in a corner
Tucked high apon a shelf,
A treasure chest of knowledge
That I could love myself.
And wherever my future takes me,
I know that I will win,
Because I opened the windows to my soul
And let the light shine in.

5 things I hate about being a girl:
1.i hate when i say one thing dumb, I'm suddenly a ditz,
2.i hate when I'm mad, its known as throwing a temper tantrem.
3.i hate how much one pair of underwear costs , a 20-pack of boxers cost less.
4.i hate how girls always wanna put lots of make-up and perfect their hair,
5.i hate having to sit down just to pee,


13 Ways to Drive Ur Parents Nutz!!!

1. Follow them around the house wherever they go

2. Moo when they say your name

3 Run into walls.

4. Say that wearing clothes is against your religion

5. Stand over them at 4:00 in the morning with a huge grin on your face and say, good morning sunshine

6. Pluck someone's hair out and yell DNA

7. Wear a sticker that says Im a retard

8. Have 20 imaginary friends that you talk to all the time

9. In public yell, No Mom/Dad, I told you once I told you twice and I will tell you again NO, I will not make out with you!
10. Do what they actually tell you do

11. Jump off the roof trying to fly

12. At everything they say yell, Liar!

13. Try to swim in the floor


What If???

What If I'd never met you?
What if I never cared?
What if I erased
all the good times we've shared?
Would that make everything better?
Would it make everything alright?
Why can't I forget,
What happened on that last night?
Will the tears ever stop?
Will the pain ever end?
Will I ever get over,
Not being able to call you friend?
Why did you leave me?
Why did you say good-bye?
My love, My love,
Why did you have to die?





Speak to me...
Speak to me.
Just speak to me.
Do not hold back,
For I will listen,
I will hear,
Whisper softly in my ear
Just speak to me.

Tell of your fears,
Your troubles.
It matters not if I agree
Or not.
For if you do not
speak to me
Then I shall never know.

Reach for me,
I am here
You know I'll never go away
Still here
And I can hear
What you say.
If you only speak to me.

And remember,
If we do not speak,
Then neither can the other know.
Pain can only grow,
In the absence of speech.
So speak to me.

Forget forget forget
Forget all the tears
Forget forget forget
Forget all the fears
You just smile once
Everything will be alive again
Make a new move
Sing a new song
Forget forget forget
Forget all the tears
Forget forget forget
Forget all the fears
Throw a party
Have a fun time
Now its time to dance
Forget forget forget
Forget all the tears
Forget forget forget
Forget all the fears
This wind is coming to you
And telling you to dance with him
Have a smile on your face
Live life happily
You never know if you will get this time again
Live life in this moment
Forget forget forget
Forget all the tears
Forget forget forget
Forget all the fears
Its true you live life only once
It keeps changing
It keeps moving
Live every moment with a smile
Take little happiness out of everything
Forget forget forget
Forget all the tears
Forget forget forget
Forget forget forget
Forget all the fears


Nine Ten broken heart again

One Two, I fell for you
I was foolish that day
Three Four, I hit the floor
but i was still okay
Five Six, you played your tricks
I took in what you did say
Seven Eight, it's too late
you can not treat me this way
Nine Ten, broken hearted again
just because he wanted to play