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Okay, for those of you who do not know what this says, It says "I wanna hate you so bad, But I don't want to break our promise like you did..."

Walking away I see the pain
You put me through
Lost in your game to change the same
Forever gone, forever you...



Jealous of the girl who caught your eye
One of my darker days
When you looked at her where was I?
Shoulda been in her place






Broken Lullaby

Her life sucks
If only you knew
The kind of pain
they put her through,

She is miserable
and she is sad
there is nothing you can do
to make her glad

She cuts her self
don't you know?
She trys to stop
but she just can't say no

She loves her family
but she wants to go
she wants to leave this world
but she keeps saying no

her teachers say she has a purpose
but she knows thats a lie
They tell her to keep going
but she sees no use to try

Her family supports her,
with everything she does
but that's hard to believe
when she's a girl that no one loves...