. . .P.I.C.T.U.R.E.S. . .
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I major updated the pic's here, so check em' out, and if you like them you can go to www.metoyou.co.uk for some more :)


This is me. I am the creator of this website. All by myself, yes I am proud. haha

This is Michelle. She is A very good friend. I love her alot. We have had some good times :D party.. wow. Michelle is gorgeous. and I love her<3 She makes my toes tingle. I love you always Michelle!

This is Sam. I like her. she is neat! She always finds a way to make me laugh. Like how she thinks that the symbol thing '<3' is used too much or whatever, so she uses <2+1 haha. I like it! She is very pretty. (she is the one in the red and black shirt.) I love her, alot. I LOVE YOU SAM!!!

And this, this is Sam M. haha. I like her a hole bunch! we had great sleepovers all the time. and even though her step dad made us pile up logs and such, I dont care. She is still a great friend! Sam, you.. you... you... You. I love you!

aww, he is so shy!

teddy party!

Brooke. Brooke is so gorgeous! I love her alot. I haven't even met her though. But still, she is so amazing. I love her alot. <3 I love you brooke!

aww cute

I think about you all the time...

flowers :)

A girl who is too sad to give a fuck...


this is soo cute!

This is Very cute...

I love you...

aww, so cute!


I wanna hate you so bad...but I can't...

ever so cute!

Dress up teddy <3


Doree and Nemo

aww, this is cute :)


aww, nemo and doree!

sweater on a bear =)


michelle, with a rose

Michelle & Sam...

Michelle & Sam...

I leave the water running so you can't hear me cry