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Well wow, time has shure flied : ) hmm, I am super'b bored. Oh, guess what? I am going to the Green Day concert, WOOW!!!

My ABC's

My ABC's

A-Antidisistablishmentaryinism (a very fun word to say) B-Bubble Gum (it's just awesome crap) C-Cancer (cause see, I am a cancer in the horiscope things) D-Dude (I don't know i just couldnt think of anything) E-Elephants (awesome aminals) F-Fuck (I love that word) G-Goop (*sigh*) H-Hats (hats are cool) I-Indigo (A pretty color) J-Jack-in-the-box (those things are kinda scary) K-Karempaslame (I don't know I just couldnt think of a word) L-Lust (A good word) M-Mommy (I love my mommy, heehee) N-Never (I dont know) O-Octopus (Octopuses are cool) P-Pie (cause pie is good) Q-Queer eye for the straight guy ( I don't know, it's the only thing I can think of) R-Rad (i don't know) S-Super (I love that word!!!) T-Teehee (it's and inside Joke) U-Uhhh (uhhh) V-Valentines Day (The day I hate!!! GRR) W-Water (cause it's good to be clean) X-Xylophone! (I loved those instruments) Y-Yak (Those things like pulled the pianeer things or something Z-zuper (i dont know)

Music Video Codes By VideoCodeZone

Alright, I am going to put my likes, and my dislikes on this thinger.. so here it goes!


  • When people give me hugs :)
  • When people like me
  • Minute Maid Orange Juice
  • Hard Cheesies
  • Colouring
  • Friends
  • Boys
  • Ticky Tack
  • My bunny


  • Soft Cheesies
  • When people say that other people are fat, when they are fat, or ugly
  • rude people
  • waiting for food.. like at restaurants
  • when i have really good food and then i eat it all and i am depressed cause i really liked that certain food! :(
  • people who hate me
  • people that thing their shit don't stink!

I will probably be adding more later, but for now that is it

my email
My E-mail

Rach's website :) (it's really great)

found a box of sharp objects what a beautiful thing....