Carrie's Wonderful World...
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Music Video Codes By VideoCodeZone

.x.New Updating.x.

heehee, guess what i am failing french, i have 45 but what sucks is that if i don't pass french this year then i don't get to go to the greenday concert!!!!

If this little code thing works, it is my neopet. He is so cute! sing up for neopets cause then i get neopoints, yes I know neopets is for little kids but hey what else do you do when you are really REALLY bored?

<!--StartFragment--><!-- NeoBadge Code starts here - get your Neopet at -->
<table align=center width=80 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<tr><td height=80>
<a href='' target='_top'>
<img src=''
border=0 height=80 width=80 alt='prettyxnothing got their Neopet at'><a></td></tr>
<tr><td height=20>
<a href='' target='_top'>
<img src='' width=80 height=20 border=0></a>
<!-- NeoBadge Code ends here -->

I'm Going To Draw A Picture
A Picture With A Twist
I'll Draw It With A Razor-Blade
I'll Draw It On My Wrist
And When I Draw My Picture
A Fountain Will Appear
And All My Pain And Sorrow
Will Surely Dissapear...

How Many Bullets?

Here i am alone and screwed
Don't even mess with me because I'm not in the mood
I'm only in the mood to grab a gun
Pull the trigger and have a little bit of fun
How many bullets will it take for me to be dead
One or two blows right through my head
One or two shots right through my heart
The impact will just tear me apart
Will i die once i hit the ground
Or will you come running after the first sound
How many bullets will it take
For me to be dead and never awake
I bet you think I'm playing with your mind
but these are some answers that i just have to find
As i put up the gun and in a blink of an eye
I start to see my whole life pass me right by
You have to see that i will never learn
You also have to realize that now it is my turn
As i put up the gun with one single shot
You'll see the outcome to the answers that i finally got

Diary of a Broken Heart.

Diary of a Broken Heart
You've left us all alone to part
You've broke along from the start

Diary of a Broken Heart
Tell us a story of one so strong
Of an angelic voice, that sang, such a sad song

Diary of a Broken Heart
Read us the truth of someone shattered
The one thats' heart is cold and tattered

Diary of a Broken Heart
If only you could walk and speak
You'd tell us all, that happens, in her "simple" week

Diary of a Broken Heart
Free this soul of its terror
Break her free, and no longer the bearer

Diary of a Broken Heart
Show us all her demented fears
If only we could stop her tears...


Mirror, mirror, there on the wall,
Who is the ugliest of them all?

Mirror, mirror, is it I you say?
I must agree, in every way.

Mirror, mirror, The truth you speak,
Please, tell me, do not be meek.

Mirror, mirror, do not lie to me,
I'm the ugliest as you can see.

Mirror, mirror, the one staring back,
She's the ugliest, beauty she lacks.

Mirror, mirror, you showed me who,
She's the ugliest, I agree with you.

Mirror, mirror, Beautiful I can't be,
I wanna change, I'm ugly you see.

Mirror, mirror, change me now,
I wanna be different, somehow.

Mirror, mirror, I want to be pretty,
I don't want to look like ugly me.

Mirror, mirror, there on the wall,
I am the ugliest of them all...


Aww, I just thought this was cute...



Broken smile,
Faded heart,
Sad and fragile,
Torn apart.

Severely depressed,
Ready to let go,
Lie down and rest.

Say goodbye,
Take that knife,
Slit my wrists,
In the dark of night.

Lie on my bed,
The blood flows,
Soaking my sheets,
Red as a rose.

Slowly slip,
Into a daze,
And feel all of my pain,
Ease away.

Slipping deeper,
Into a heavy sleep,
All the while,
My blood seeps.

See the light,
Follow it to where it ends,
Take an angels hand,
Flying on past the stars.

Now finally here,
Looking down on me,
Smiling to myself,
Now I have finally set myself free.


A box of broken dreams...

Take my thoughts
of love and pain
stick them in a box
to sit in the rain

forgotten hopes
crumpled up in my hand
found deep beneath
in the slivered sand

torn up memories
lost in the storm
only to be found
in a different shape and form

all my cares
are coverd with mistakes
just close your eyes
thats all it takes

forgotten the past
my memory's are fading
of me and you
when we were dating

so take all my thoughts
of love and pain
stick them in a box
to sit in the rain


this was so cute..

OK so this is my website and yeah it is so SIGN MY GUESTBOOK...please